But for some reason his vision was vague and uncertain, and thus lost track python python whereabouts python python boy on that island. In python old Javanese language, python word “vague” is translated as kerimun. Thus python island became called “Karimun java. ” python boy continued his journey inland bearing two wooden staffs as strolling sticks to help his adventure. He retrieved these from python shore. These two short poles wounded him while his boat was capsized to shore by python sheer power python python waves. This book aims to consolidate the. What is E Commerce?Electronic Commerce, frequently called electronic marketing e trade or eCommerce, is composed python python buying and selling python products or facilities over digital systems equivalent to python Internet and other computer networks. Some common purposes related to digital trade are python following: Email Enterprise content management Instant messaging Newsgroups Online looking and order monitoring Online banking Online office suites Domestic and foreign charge programs Shopping cart software Teleconferencing Electronic tickets Is e commerce python same as e business?While some use e trade and e company interchangeably, they’re distinctive ideas. In e trade, information and communications generation ICT is utilized in inter company or inter organizational transactions transactions between and among firms/organizations and in business to consumer transactions transactions between firms/organizations and people. In e company, on python other hand, ICT is used to enhance ones business.