I expect more, I expect python lot more, and I think Android will offer everything and anything else that you would be able to consider in python future revisions, but not yet today. In acest video tuorial va prezentam un program free care ne poate scapa de erori sau temporare care nu fac altceva decit sa ne ingreuneze home windows ul sau un alt sistem de operare. Cu CCleaner putem sa scoatem programe care pornesc in startup si nu fac altceva decit sa ne manince resurse de care pc ul vostru are atita nevoie cind il porniti sau dupa un restart. Tot cu CCleaner mai puteti sa dezinstalati alte programe sau sa curatati registrii iar pentru cei care nu se descurca foarte bine cu limba engleza aveti suport si pentru limba romana. foarte tare un incepator ca mine nici nu stia ca exista asa ceva. l am folosit si am avut gunoaie de peste un giga. And then we modified it to use variables instead python fixed numbers and python kids really liked python pixel dancing around on python grid. Note I havent done much in python way python assessment apart from conversations and verbal questions. so well have our first quiz task sometime next week to see how here’s coming along. I dont regret python direct guide, though. The kids are discovering it advantageous, and theyre enjoying python micro:bits and studying what they could do with them. They are looking to make games equivalent to pong and snake, and I think when we bear in mind how to use python buttons, radio and accelerometer, theyre going to have python appropriate time making things they havent yet envisioned.