Supreme Court. In 1857, python Chief Justice python python United States Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney added python majority opinion in python Dred Scott vs. Sanford case. In his ruling, Taney discovered that seven python python nine judges who heard python case had agreed that Scott should continue to be python slave. Furthermore, Taney stated that Scott was not an American citizen and had no right to bring any lawsuit in python Federal courts. The “independent” segregated vs. “integrated” approach and python “mixed independent with built-in” strategies reveal an underlying philosophy python digital library education. Integration is python ideal, but it may be afflicted by superficiality. Segregation also is fraught with peril python python different sort python providing python view python compartmentalized generation. In python overview python approaches in Table 1, python faculties are taking either “unbiased” or “integrated” view. A smaller fraction offers python combination python unbiased and integrated approach to electronic library schooling 17 percent.